How to Set the Right Rent for Your Investment Property

(Disclaimer: The content of this article is not intended as financial or investment advice but rather information for educational purposes only.)

Setting the right rent for your investment property is essential for attracting quality tenants and maximizing your investment returns. However, setting the right rate for your rental property is easier said than done. You need to consider many factors, including expenses, legal requirements, and the rental market itself.

Why Setting the Right Rent is Essential

Setting the best rent price for your investment property can make or break your success. The right rate for you is more than just charging the highest amount possible or setting a rent rate that is too competitive to fill vacancies. A rent that is too low may result in missed revenue opportunities, while a rent that is too high may lead to more extended vacancies or difficulty attracting quality tenants.

Prices that are too high will discourage many quality tenants who could choose rentals with more competitive rates. The tenants you do have may not renew, leaving you with an empty property while you try to find new ones.

The right rent helps attract reliable tenants willing to pay for the value the property provides. Quality tenants are more likely to pay rent on time, take care of the property, and stay longer, reducing turnover costs and vacancy rates.

Things to Consider When Setting Rent:

Your Property’s Value Points

You can make your property more attractive in multiple ways.

Even simple renovations, such as adding fresh paint, updating appliances, or adding modern fixtures, can make your property more appealing to potential tenants. Creating a nice outdoor space with landscaping can also give your rental a competitive edge.

Plus, if your property has or is near a pool or gym, or if it’s in a desirable location like one in a good school district or near a popular shopping area, highlight that in any advertisements you place.

Location can easily be one of your best selling points.

The Rental Market

Conducting a thorough market analysis is the cornerstone of setting the right rental price. Tools such as IRA Title Pro’s Single-Family Rental Report provide valuable data on rental prices and market trends.

When comparing your rental to others in the area, consider location, neighborhood amenities, property size, and condition.

Additionally, consider the demand-supply dynamics in your local rental market. Are there more tenants than available properties? Or is there an oversupply of rental units? Understanding your market like this can help you set the right rent for your property.

Maintenance and Other Expenses

Ensuring that the rental income covers expenses such as repairs, property taxes, insurance, and utilities is essential.

One way to approach this is by calculating the property’s operating expenses, including fixed and variable costs, and ensuring that the rental income is higher than these expenses to generate a positive cash flow. This is a crucial step for long-term financial success in the rental market.

Compliance with Rental Laws and Regulations

Before setting rent and implementing any increases, familiarize yourself with local rent control laws, eviction procedures, and fair housing regulations. Consult with legal experts if needed to ensure that your rental practices comply with applicable laws and regulations.

Failure to do so can result in tenant disputes or even legal consequences.

Strategies for Setting the Right Rent

The 2% rule

The 2% rule is a strategy used by some real estate investors to estimate the income potential of an investment property. It suggests that a property’s monthly rent should ideally be around 2% of its total purchase price. This rule helps investors quickly assess whether a property could generate enough rental income relative to its purchase price.

While the 2% rule can provide a rough estimate of a property’s income potential, other factors such as location, market conditions, expenses, and financing options should be considered when making investment decisions. Ultimately, investors should use the 2% rule as one of several tools when determining the right rental rate.

IRA Title Pro’s Single-Family Rental Report

The Single-Family Rental Report  offers valuable insights into the rental market for single-family properties. This report collects data and trends related to rental prices, vacancy rates, and market conditions, providing landlords and investors with crucial information to make informed decisions. By analyzing this data, landlords can better understand market dynamics in their target areas, helping them set the right rent, identify investment opportunities, and optimize their rental income.

The Single-Family Rental Report can also be a benchmarking tool, allowing landlords to compare their property’s performance against broader market trends. This information empowers landlords to adapt their strategies, such as adjusting rental prices or targeting specific neighborhoods, to stay competitive in the rental market.

Adaptability to Market Dynamics

Finally, remain flexible and adaptable when setting rent, especially in dynamic rental markets. Monitor market trends, tenant feedback, and economic conditions to adjust your rental price accordingly. Being responsive to changes in the rental market can help you stay competitive and maximize your property’s income potential over time.

Conduct regular rent reviews to assess whether your rental income aligns with current market conditions and property value. If necessary, be prepared to adjust your rental price to reflect changes in demand, supply, or property improvements.


Mastering the art of rental property pricing requires a comprehensive approach that considers amenities, market dynamics, expenses, legal compliance, and strategic pricing strategies. By taking into account both their needs and their value propositions, landlords can optimize their rental pricing strategy and achieve sustained success in the rental market.


The Ultimate Guide to Property Management for Real Estate Investors

(Disclaimer: The content of this article is not intended as financial or investment advice but rather information for educational purposes only.)

This article is based on the episode of the Building Equity podcast “A Guide to Property Management for Real Estate Investors” with guest David Puskaric, property manager and real estate agent from Parkline Realty in Naples, Florida. Click here to watch the episode.

Investing in real estate is one of the smartest, quickest ways to grow your wealth. Whether it’s generating a steady source of cash flow, benefiting from tax breaks, or building equity, investing in real estate is the best strategy to create long-term profits. While investing in real estate is an exceptionally prudent tactic, it’s also a major financial decision that comes with significant responsibilities for an investment to be successful.

When it comes to operating a fruitful real estate venture, property management is paramount. For investors to maximize their investment’s potential and ensure the longevity of their property, it’s crucial for property management to be conducted efficiently. It’s easy for new investors to gloss over the necessity for scrupulous property management, and many times this neglected component can result in losses on their investments.

Top 3 Mistakes Investors Make When it Comes to Property Management

While the stress of owning real estate property can seem overwhelming at times, real estate investors need to understand the importance of adequate property management for the overall health of their investment. Let’s look at the 3 biggest mistakes investors make when it comes to managing their properties:

1. Being Too Nice- The adage goes, “People mistake kindness for weakness,” and that testament still reigns true today, especially when it comes to business. Many real estate investors who are too nice to their tenants often get taken advantage of: whether it’s allowing rent to be paid late or overlooking major red flags in a tenant’s application, being too nice can become a major setback for investors looking to maximize their investment potential. Benevolence with boundaries is the best approach when it comes to operating rental property to ensure investors aren’t losing money and their properties are generating steady revenue. Some people will look for opportunities to capitalize on the kindness of others, so it’s always great to be aware, making sure you’re not being cheated.

2. Trying to Manage on Their Own- Oftentimes, investors try to take on too much responsibility when it comes to managing their properties. It’s easy for investors to become too attached to their investments, where they can’t separate ownership from management, resulting in answering every single tenant complaint immediately, running to answer every single call and make even the most remedial of repairs. This type of managing can wear down an investor, especially if they own more than one property, making overseeing an almost impossible task to keep up with. It’s recommended to hire a team to handle your property management, especially if you’re new to investing in real estate, to ensure your investment(s) are getting the supervision needed without demanding too much of the investor. Putting a team together, working with a local agent, realtor, a property manager, and learning the local market is the most effective way to manage your property.

3. Not Properly Screening Applicants- Many investors are self-managing their properties, which leaves room for error with screening applicants. It’s crucial for investors to ensure they are maximizing the questions on their applications; confirm if your tenant has ever been convicted of a crime (misdemeanors or more severe charges) and verify credit scores and income; ensure your tenant can afford to live in the residence. If an investor isn’t asking the right questions on the application, there is a higher risk that a potentially problematic tenant could be selected, resulting in issues down the road that could lead to net losses.

It’s highly recommended that owners create a manual for tenants, outlining their maintenance responsibilities for living in the unit, such as switching out filters or cleaning vents. It’s also helpful to provide instructional videos to confirm each task is executed properly.

Protect Your Investment with a Property Management Company

While the throes of owning a real estate property may keep some investors up at night playing catch up, hiring a property management company is the smartest thing to do to protect your investment. Let’s look at the top reasons investors should utilize an accredited property management company:

1. Understanding Local and State Regulations- It’s not enough to just maintain a property, it’s also imperative that all rental properties abide by local and state regulations. Renting out a property in Ohio can be very different than a state like Florida based on the state regulations. Whether it’s registering the property to abide by local regulations, being ADA compliant, or aligning with the Fair Housing laws, not having a thorough understanding of these rules and regulations can be costly for an investor. A qualified property management will ensure your property is compliant with all regulations, mitigating investor risks.

2. Managing Security Deposits and Prepaid Rent- Another common issue with those self-managing their properties is improperly comingling tenant security deposits and prepaid rent; these need to be held separately as funds allocated for damage and the first couple of months’ rent. It’s easy for investors to misappropriate this money at some point, which can lead to legal issues. Hiring a property management company as a third party eliminates the investor liability while ensuring there are no conflicts with the usage of these funds.

3. Complete Organization and Oversight- While many investors may resort to taking mental notes or creating their own spreadsheets and documents, the chances of making accounting errors, overlooking red flags, and committing other omissions increases dramatically. Most accredited property management companies utilize streamlined software that handles all aspects of overseeing a property, from functioning as a repository for official documents/applications and complete expense reports, eliminating any tracking mistakes while providing complete clarity on the rental operation. A professional property management company will also guarantee you’re selecting the right tenant for your unit by making sure all the necessary questions and checks are being conducted during your screening process.

Working with a knowledgeable property management company not only makes managing rental properties easier, but it also minimizes risks and liabilities so investors can focus on other pressing matters while attaining peace of mind.

Increase Your Annual Percentage Yield by Using a Property Management Company

Whether it’s your first rental property or you’re a veteran in the real estate realm operating multiple properties for profit, it’s critical that property owners utilize a property management company to maximize the rate of return on their investment(s). Based on the latest data[1], investors that hire a property management company to oversee operations net a 7% annual yield differential, meaning investors stand to make more money by having the right property management company in place.

Efficacious property management is a crucial aspect to ensuring profitable real estate investments. If you’re looking to invest in real estate using your self-directed IRA, IRA Title Pro helps investors through the entire closing process, from start to finish. Whether it’s buying or selling, IRA Title Pro offers a plethora of helpful tools, resources, and guides for interested investors to gain insight and make it easier for investors to close on real estate properties, offering a quicker, seamless closing experience.

Start investing today and close 11 days faster than any other company by using IRA Title Pro: Click here

[1] Gettleman statistic on using a property management company